Access to the EndNote 21 installer file is available from the Library website.
To obtain the installer file, please follow the instructions below:
Note: Before you commence with installation, ensure that all Microsoft programs are closed.
- Visit the 'EndNote & Citation Tools' page and click on 'Download EndNote'.
- Click on the 'Sign in' button and log in to your My Library account using your WesternAccount credentials. If you're already signed in to My Library, go to step 3.
- Click on 'Digital Object'.
- Go to 'Contents' on the left side and select 'EndNoteX21 for Windows OS'.
- Click on the 'Download (EndnoteX21 for Windows' link.
Please note: If you receive a prompt to enter a product key, please see 'I get asked for a product key when I download EndNote'.
- Follow the onscreen prompts to install.
For information on how to search, and create references for your EndNote Library please see the Library EndNote Guide.