Scopus author profiles are automatically generated when an author publishes content that is indexed in Scopus.
Each profile is assigned a unique number (Scopus Author Identifier), and Scopus uses an algorithm to match publications with the author profiles based on various data elements associated with the item, such as:
However, errors can occur that may result in:
Incorrect or out of date affiliation details
To check the accuracy of your Scopus author profile, conduct an author search for your name in Scopus.
If you find multiple profiles or other errors, use the Author Feedback Wizard to make corrections, such as:
Request to merge authors
Once the corrections are submitted, the time frame is generally 2-4 weeks to be approved and updated in Scopus.
If your Researcher Portal is required to be amended urgently due to a grant submission or Academic Promotion, contact the Library to see if we can expedite the issue with the vendor.
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