Web of Science author records are automatically generated when an author publishes content that is indexed by Web of Science. Web of Science uses an algorithm to match publications with author records based on various data elements associated with the item such as:
The reliance of researcher author profiles, or identifiers, represents a set of likely papers for that author. Clusters of papers that are understood to belong to one author are grouped on the author record. Therefore, the researcher profile account needs to be reviewed for accuracy.
Note: Web of Science applies the ResearcherID, a unique identifier that works across both these platforms.
To claim your author record:
Once you have registered on Web of Science Researcher Profiles (formerly Publons) and imported your publications from Web of Science, you will be assigned a ResearcherID.
Contact Web of Science support if the author search returns multiple author records in your name. Make sure you have registered/logged into your Web of Science personal user account. Claimed records are identified by a green tick.
If incorrect publications have been included on your author record:
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