Both major Australian research funders require that research outputs from funded projects be made freely accessible after an embargo period.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Research Council (ARC) both specify that any publications arising from research projects they have funded must be deposited in an open-access institutional repository (e.g. the Research Profiles and Respository) within a twelve month period from the date of publication.
The following Open access policies for each funder are:
• NHMRC: Open Access Policy
• ARC: Open Access Policy
Other funding bodies may also stipulate open access requirements in their agreements and researchers are advised to check agreement terms closely to ensure compliance.
The NHMRC, unlike the ARC, explicitly exempts scholarship holders from the mandatory requirements of their Open Access Policy, however, the NHMRC strongly encourages funded graduate researchers to make their thesis and any peer-reviewed publications Open Access.
For further information about funding opportunities and preparing a Grant Applications, refer to Research at Western Sydney for further support.
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