Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: Jul 06, 2018     Views: 327

The link Western Sydney University icon appears under citations that are not available in full text within the database that you are using. When you click on it, Article Linker redirects to another database that has the full text of the article available.

In some cases, Article Linker takes you to the full text of the article but in other cases it only take you to the journal's table of contents or a database home page where you will  need to browse the table of contents to locate the issue and article you need or search the database to retrieve the full text article.

If you cannot access the full text article, please contact the Library for further assistance.

If none of our journal databases have the article available electronically, use the Library Search Box on the Library homepage and enter the journal title to search for possible print holdings. 

If you are unable to locate the full text of the article, it is often due to the following reasons:

  • Publisher of the journal title may not provide full text online
  • The Library does not subscribe to the journal title

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