Anti-virus software on your home or office device may affect Off-Campus Access services. Because a login to this system returns a different, proxied IP address to the one your ISP provides, anti-virus software may view this as a possible virus attack.
Your anti-virus software, like any firewall software, needs to be configured to accept the proxied IP address which will be returned when you connect to Off Campus Access, and to accept certificates and cookies. Firewall, and some anti-virus software, also needs to be configured to allow access to ports 80, 443, 1701, 1601, and 8991.
For some firewall software the easiest solution is to put in an entry for to be a trusted site so firewall rules don't affect access.
You may need to discuss this configuration with your ISP or local computer support. Unfortunately, the Library cannot provide details on how to configure your anti-virus and firewall software. If you cannot configure the software, you may choose to disable it during your use of the Off-Campus Access service. The Library can accept no responsibility for any virus or other worm received if you choose this option.
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