If your Research Outputs is in the Research Profiles and Repository but not listed in your Researcher Profile, you can claim the publication by following these steps:
- Sign in to the Research Profiles and Repository using your Western Credentials
- Select Research Outputs on the landing page to open a list of your outputs.
- Remove the My content filter by clicking on the x symbol. This allows you to see all publications in the Repository.
- Search for the missing publication by typing the publication title in the search bar.
- Once you've found the record you want to claim, hover your mouse over the record and click on the settings (cog icon) that appears on the bottom right of the record.
- Click on Mine – claim content
- A pop-up window will display asking if you would like to be added to the content.
- Leave a message indicating that you are an author of this publication and click Claim this content.
The Library Research Team will review your claim request to add you as an author to the publication record.