Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2024     Views: 169

Selected e-books held in the Library collection have publisher imposed limited-user licences that will impact access to them when there is high demand. For example, if a book has a 3-user licence, only 3 people can view it at any one time.

If your subject textbook or other reading can only accommodate a limited number of readers at a time, you will be turned away once the limit is reached.

When accessing limited-user e-books that are in high demand, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid leaving it to the last minute to try and access your subject reading.
  • If all the licences are in use, log out and try again in a short while – keep trying.
  • Consider other readers and limit the time you spend logged into the book, making sure you log out completely when you are done.
  • Do not choose the 'Download Book' option; it ties up access unnecessarily.
  • If available, make use of PDF section/chapter download options and read offline. Please, note that different books will offer different download limits, and some may even reset every 24hours. 

If you have ongoing issues accessing a particular book, please contact Online Librarian.

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