Increasingly Journals are requesting that Scoping Reviews have registered protocols.
The Open Science Framework (OSF) is one option for registration. When you register a Scoping Review protocol with OSF, you will be asked to select a license. Selecting a license type is important as it tells others how they can or can’t re-use your work. Please review this License FAQ from OSF. It will help you to understand the boundaries of each of the license types available within OSF.
Selecting the most open CC (Creative Commons) licence (dependant on information sensitivities, funder mandates, publisher requirements, etc.) is preferred.
For example, the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence is the most open CC licence while retaining author rights. This aligns with the University Open Access Policy that the products of research be openly available for re-use and citation wherever possible.
You will also be asked for your preference for a storage location to hosting your protocol. Storage locations include United States, Canada, Germany and Australia. Hosting in Australia is preferred.
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