Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: May 08, 2023     Views: 81

When requesting use of Library spaces for events, promotions, or activities, the following guidelines apply:

Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis between the Library Promotions Coordinator, the relevant Precinct Librarian, and the Associate Librarian.

Prior to giving approval, the Use of Library for Promotional Activities form should be completed, providing the required details on:

  • Purpose of the activity,
  • Proposed times (day, time of day, duration of activity),
  • Location/s within the Library,
  • Level of equipment and,
  • Number of people involved in the activity.

Library rules are to be followed, and the activity being filmed should not promote or imply promotion of behaviours not normally accepted in the Library or in a specific area of the Library (e.g., noise in the Silent Study area). Playing music in any Library space for filming is not permitted.

Any students/staff shown in any image must sign the Western Sydney University photography waiver form, or be given the right to not be in the images.

Overall disruption to other students is to be considered, and not all requests are automatically approved.

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