1. Ask the publisher, who accepted your article in a particular journal, about the following:
- In which Open Access option (Green, Gold, and Hybrid) to publish your article.
- The Article Processing Charge (APC) and the options of APC payment available to you. The APC is a fee paid to the journal to make your article openly accessible.
- The copyright and licensing options available to you by the publisher.
- Whether your journal gives you an option to choose a CC Licence. All Open Access materials published in journals are covered by a Creative Commons (CC) licence. It is best to choose a Creative Commons licence that suits your purposes.
2. Check that the publication of your article complies with policy and funding mandate, and whether the University or funder may cover the APC fee.
3. Check that the journal has:
- A solid reputation- it is not a predatory journal that takes advantage of authors by charging fees to publish articles quickly without any support or services.
- Genuine Open Access titles.
4. Check this website: https://thinkchecksubmit.org