Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: Feb 04, 2022     Views: 110

The majority of fully Open Access journals have article processing charges (APCs) supported by universities or not-for-profit societies.

  • Gold OA publishing can be the most expensive, particularly in 'hybrid' journals.
  • Gold OA may involve a charge however ensures immediate and permanent access to the work.
  • The publication cost, known as an APC (Article Processing Charge), is either covered by the author/s or their institution. 
  • Refer to the 'Open Access Fee Support' page to see if you are eligible to have your APC covered.
  • Some researchers intend on ensuring OA for their research out and anticipated APC costs in their list of funding requirements for grant applications.
  • A list of fully open access journals can be found on the DOAJ website.
  • The cOAlition S has developed a 'Journal Checker Tool’ so researchers can review compliancy against journal titles.

For further information, review here.

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