Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: Feb 15, 2022     Views: 268

An Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) is also known as a “preprint” before it’s submitted to a journal for peer review. It is considered any version of a journal article that the author considers to be of sufficient quality to be submitted for formal peer review.

The AOM is your original manuscript (sometimes called a 'preprint' before you submit it to a journal for peer review. You can share this version as much as you like, including via social media, on a scholarly collaboration network, your website, or
preprint server intended for non-commercial use (for example, arXivbioRxivSocArXiv, etc.).

Posting on a preprint server is not considered a duplicate publication, and this will not risk consideration for publication.

However, suppose you do decide to post your AOM anywhere. In that case, we ask that, upon acceptance, you acknowledge the article has been accepted for publication and which publisher, via the Submit a Publication page for ResearchDirect.

After publication, update your AOM / preprint, adding the following text to encourage others to read and cite the final published version of your article (the 'Version of Record').


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