Answered By: The Library
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024     Views: 189

A copy of your thesis will be provided to Western Sydney University Library for the purposes of preservation and access to research. Details of Western Sydney University research theses are made available via the Western Sydney University Research Repository, the Research Profiles and Repository. Open access to the full text is provided where permission has been granted by the author.

There are three options for access to your thesis in the repository. Once your decision is made about these options this information is included on your Right of Access to HDR Thesis form - part of the data you provide when submitting your thesis for examination.

Option A (Open)

The full text of the thesis can be made openly available via a descriptive record in the Research Profiles and Repository.

Why choose Option A?

  • The author grants the University a licence to make the thesis openly available in Research Profiles and Repository where it may be viewed and downloaded without further permission from the author.
  • The descriptive details including the abstract may also be shared with external databases.
  • The thesis remains protected by the Australian Copyright Act 1968.

Option B (Mediated)

Once the thesis has been approved by the examiners, the Graduate Research School sends the final version to the Library for inclusion in the Research Profiles and Repository. Only the descriptive record (including abstract) for the thesis can be made openly available via the Research Profiles and Repository until the specified embargo end date, and is for a maximum period of three (3) years, unless a further embargo is requested and approved.

  • Thesis metadata (including title, author, abstract, keywords) will be displayed publicly during the embargo period.
  • Requests from the public via inter‐library loan for research or study purposes will be fulfilled during the embargo period.

Why choose Option B?

  • Only the descriptive details, including the abstract, will be made available in the Research Profiles and Repository during the specified embargo period.
  • On the embargo end date, full access to the thesis will be permitted (as per Option A).
  • The restriction period will not usually exceed one (1) year unless suitable justification is approved.
  • To extend the restriction beyond the maximum three (3) years, the author must complete a new Right of Access to HDR Thesis form.

Option C (Restricted)

Only the descriptive record (including abstract) for the thesis can ever be made openly available via the Research Profiles and Repository. 

  • No requests for inter‐library loans will be fulfilled.
  • There will be no access to the thesis in University departments.
  • If a request to access the thesis for the purposes of private study or research is received during the specified embargo period, the University Library must obtain the approval of the appropriate School Dean or Institute Director before copying or making the thesis available.
  • Thesis metadata (including title, author, abstract, keywords) will be displayed publicly. It will only be suppressed in very exceptional circumstances, such as to avoid public disclosure before a patent application. See Exceptional Circumstances below.

Why choose Option C?

  • The full thesis will be permanently excluded from the Research Profiles and Repository.
  • Only the descriptive details including the abstract will ever be available.
  • This option should only be applied in extreme cases where it is important to protect the content of the thesis, such as for intellectual property or ethical reasons.