Yes. EBSCO allows you to export up to 25,000 records at a time.
- In EBSCO click on the Share button from the search results page
- Choose the link E-mail a link to download exported results (up to 25000) under 'Export results'
- At the 'Export Manager' page, enter your email address in the E-mail from and E-mail to fields
- Choose RIS Format under 'E-mail a link to a file with citations in' and click 'Send'
- An email confirmation message will appear stating that a link to retrieve exported items will be sent to your email account. Please ensure that you retrieve the items within the timeframe specified in the message
- Go to your email account and click on the link in the email to retrieve the exported results
- You will receive a prompt to download a zipped folder. Save the folder to your computer and make note of the location where you have saved the file
- Locate and right click on the zipped folder and choose Extract All...
- You will see a prompt to choose a location to save the extracted RIS files. Select a location on your computer.
- Go to the saved location on you computer and double click on the RIS file. Your references will begin to import into EndNote. Alternatively import the references from within your EndNote Library via File > Import > File.
This process can take some time depending on the number of records exported.